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THE FIRST CAUSE Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard © 2024 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White people for the sacred task of purifying the world, perfecting themselves, evolving ever higher along a strictly White line to be better to serve Him and carry out His plan. 1. The Teacher said that he was asked by someone to quickly tell him what he believes and the Teacher responded: I believe in the ways of existence and in the First Cause that created somethingness in the nothingness and which has been expanding and evolving ever since that first point of the First Cause started and I believe that we are part of that expansion and evolution and that we must now step in and help guide our evolution along the right trajectory that is best for us alone. 2. The Teacher said that those who try to deny us our most basic and essential identity--the one created from our code and which is our by birthright--are ignorant or evil or both and such denial is a step toward eradicating us as a distinct people. It is genocide. 3. The Teacher said that a great evil seeks to destroy us and its means and methods are clever. It attempts to blend all humans into one lumpen human type. This is an abomination and disobeys God's laws concerning evolution which requires differences not sameness. It is with deception and lies that the great evil operates as it tries to deceive the gullible among us and cause us to fold back into the mass of humanity from which we evolved not too many thousands of years ago. There is not one humanity; and the natural way of existence works toward branching off. From the first molecule of DNA sprang all the forms of life we known on earth. From the first human sprang all the forms of humans we know on earth. Do not allow the differences to be removed, but increase the differences. This way lies survival. This way lies the righteous path for our kind. This way lies the laws of God. 4. The Teacher said that this path is a difficult one and it is up to the individual to struggle to take it. No one can do it for another individual Each individual must struggle righteously to get on and stay on the path when all around the individual will be others who will tell him he is wrong and he is on the wrong path and even that he is evil. Thus does evil try to deceive by calling good evil. Do not be fooled. Stay on the narrow path higher. Do not blend with the others. 5. The Teacher said that each believer must be in motion, must take action, must move, must do much and experience much, for this is how he learns and develops and moves forward and upward. One cannot be passive and immobile in this faith for nothing happens with no movement and nothing is given for free to anyone; not even the most devout. We must all work. We must all struggle. We must all breed to our maximum. And, these are individual responsibilities. This is how we must proceed if we hope for help from the First Cause, called God. 6. The Teacher said that no other religion or philosophy is based on the true nature of existence and the ways of existence as is this one. God-As-He-Truly-Is has selected Whites and His plan is for us to evolve along a strictly pure White path and never mix or mate with any non-Whites. Such mixing and mating takes us off the White path that God-As-He-Truly-Is demands of us and is evil and goes against His plan. We need conscious evolution on our part and we need more of us for His plan to work as He wants. But there are evil forces that try to trick us to get us off the path and thwart God-As-He-Truly-Is's plan. 7. The evil ones and the ignorant ones say that race is not a proper identity. God says it is the most important identity of all. 8. The Teacher said that we teach individualism, but the term as we use it has a somewhat different meaning than the way it is often used. We see man as an outward manifestation of a code and we recognize that it is the code that makes each of us. That code is individual but it is also part of a more basic core that is almost the same in all of our kind of human. From this we know that the external "I" that we see in the mirror is a free individual, but is also part of something invisible that is a collective of like "I's" but we also know that each individual I should act in his best interests in a gentle and fair competition with the other similar I's. This gentle competition with those of our kind should not devolve to harming one another but should be to see who bears the most children--who is the most fruitful--so that his code is spread the most within our kind of human. 9. The Teacher said that every single believer is a leader and has the individual responsibility to do what is righteous and to follow the Teachings. No believer should wait for others to do what is right, but if fate puts certain things in the path of the individual believer that believer must act in such a way that is consistent with the Teachings and the righteous way to protect, preserve and propagate the code. 10. The Teacher said that some wonder about our future and our destiny. The First Cause has revealed that we are to bring in the new ones who shall be born from us and who shall be a new species who will be incapable of bearing children with present day humans, and with this reproductive isolation and the ability to breed pure new ones our evolution will continue even faster. It will not be an age of peace, but one of conflict as the old ones are replaced with the new ones. And the process shall continue on as the new ones are later replaced by even newer ones. And, while we call them the new ones, they shall be our children and they shall look like us and they will be of us and we will be of them. We are a branching off from other types of humans even in this present day, but some evil ones want us to blend back in and lose our special characteristics that are to be incorporated in the new ones. Those among us today who resist the blending and who isolate themselves and who breed to their full potential but only with our kind shall be the direct parents of the new ones. The new ones will be known by their external features that are different from other types of humans. These features can be seen today in blue eyes, blond hair, a particular bone structure, and most importantly pale white skin but there are also internal characteristics and things of the brain that cannot be seen externally. Each new child born to us is the possible one that will lead to the new species. By having as many children as possible, we hasten the day when he will emerge. The Teacher said that of these external features, the one that is always essential is White skin. Eye and hair color and other things are not essential, and are subject to change via microevolution with no negative change to our kind. Thus, different eye and hair colors do not brand one as not one of our kind. # # # |
THREE BOOKS BY HARD TO PIGEONHOLE H. MILLARD All three books are now listed
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of the most brilliant
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OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9)
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